Sunday, September 24, 2006

Calypso Orchid

This past spring a friend and I were exploring a remote area in the Uinta Mountains for trout. Along the way he happened to notice this tiny flower, a Calypso Orchid, also known as the fairy slipper or Venus's slipper, and usually found in undisturbed forests. It is classified as threatened or endangered.

He had his trusty camera phone and took this picture. It turned out better than we had expected haha........... Photo by Peter

It is the only species currently classified in the genus Calypso, which takes its name from the Greek signifying concealment, as they tend to favor sheltered areas on conifer forest floors. Their tiny purple blooms, typically about 10 cm in height, can be a pleasant sporadic sight on hiking trails from late March onwards, though in the more northerly parts of their range they do not bloom until May and June. These come to full bloom in nearly 20 years

This is a picyure of how it should look..... haha

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Fishing quote

A river, large or small, is alive with a pulse you can feel and a voice you can hear. Its message is a timeless call from the past and an urgent plea for the future. In the course of a lifetime, I have heard the voices and met the ghosts who guard the sacred places. Although forceful in their presence and insistent in their will, they have never told me what not to do. But sometimes, when I stray from what is important and what is real, they tell me who I am.

Rene Harrop-
TROUT HUNTER, The Way Of An Angler

photo by me

Another day at the office...

It’s fall and that means getting ready for the big fish hunt. I have been scouting my fall spots in anticipation of the brown spawn.

You never know what you might find. Met a fisherman, now a friend, that was traveling through Utah and he took this great shot of a small brown trout and me.
Photos by Mark